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Selectmen's Minutes April 10, 2006

April 10, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen William Roach, Richard Leone, Frederick Gallup and Stephen White.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.

ABSENT:   Emma Smith.

OTHERS PRESENT:  Pat Remick, Ronald Verblauw, John Mapley, Aaron Aldredge, Charles Balyeat, Carolyn Dube and Constance Jones.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman William Roach at 7 PM.  He explained that the meeting was allocated to one speaker, Pat Remick.  She had agreed to speak with the Selectmen to offer recommendations on setting up a coalition to address the inequality of county taxation.  Donna Nashawaty added that Pat Remick was the individual who lead the coalition against the state wide property tax.

Pat Remick explained that she was hired by the City of Portsmouth   to work 5 hours per week  to do free lance.  In 1999 Portsmouth was overtaxed by the new state wide property tax and decided to begin a coalition to fight the state.  An emergency meeting was held and 22 of the 50 towns invited attended.  It was discovered that several towns did not keep their valuations updated enough and this created unequal valuations which the tax was based upon.  A law suit against the tax was filed  in  December of 1999 with 23 towns participating.  The coalition has been successful in eliminating donor towns.  The coalition has spent $943,000 since 1999.  This was received through assistance from member communities.  P. Remick distributed expenditure and income sheets to show where the funds were received and spent.  

She recommended that the Selectmen and Manager do the following:

-       Find a spokesperson with time to form and manage a coalition
-       A coalition can be formed with:
o       Having a meeting or forum of interested  towns
o       Use publicity such as the web site, emails and faxes
o       Get the public involved
-       Hire a consultant to assist with writing a bill
-       Hire a lobbyist
-       Meet with someone from the Governor’s Office
-       Individually meet with members of the State’s committees
-       Check with Colby Sawyer College for a possible intern
-       Lead a charge for donations from interested towns
-       Seek assistance from the Representatives of the towns involved
Board of Selectmen
April 10, 2006

        -     Use Charts and other visuals

At 8:15 PM Chairman Roach opened the floor to the audience.  

One attendee asked what targeted aid was.  P. Remick explained that it was based on an allotment per child.  The Selectmen expressed their appreciation for P. Remick’s attendance at the meeting.  They also expressed their gratitude to the City of Portsmouth for their forming the coalition to fight the tax wide property tax.


A.  D. Nashawaty informed the Board that she was told by Tony Bergeron that Becky Bense of Bradford Road formed a neighborhood clean up of roadside litter.  T. Bergeron told D. Nashawaty that the group brought in a full pick up truck load to the Transfer Station.  D. Nashawaty will write a letter of appreciation.

B.  D. Nashawaty explained that the Zoning Administrator’s wife was ill so he was unable to finish the building permits.  She asked if three members of the Board could come into the office and sign permits later in the week.  

At 8:30 PM Stephen White made a motion to enter non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3 (c) discussion that would likely adversely affect the reputation of any person, other than a member of the body itself.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  The voice vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

At 8:55 PM Fred Gallup made a motion to leave non-public session.  The motion was seconded by Stephen White.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  Fred Gallup made a motion to seal the minutes of the non-public session.  The motion was seconded by Stephen White.  The voice vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved___________________

______________ _______          ___________________________
William Roach, Chairman                         Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

____________________                    ___________________________
Richard Leone                                           Frederick Gallup

Stephen W. White